Mark your calendars for 23rd March 2011.
23rd March, 2011 (Wednesday) is the day for Punggol Toastmasters Club's International Speech and Table Topics Contests.
Do you know how it is like to be in a contest, some say that it is totally different from doing your projects because you are now pitted against other members. In a contest, your palms sweat, your heart swings, your head spins - it is a totally different challenge.
We have seen members forgot every word, walk off the stage at half time and EVEN fainted. On the other hand we have seen people deliver some amazing speeches which have spellbound the audience.
Do you have the gumption to take it on ? Or want to cheer on your friends, club members who are participating.. Then come on...witness them taking on the stage and CHEER them on.
See you there..
Venue: Punggol CC, #03-07
Date/Time: Wed 23rd March 11, 7:15 pm
Dress: Smart Casual to Formal