22 February 2010

Join us today !!

We have come to another exciting Punggol Toastmasters Club meeting on 24 Feb 2010 (Wednesday). This forthcoming meeting, we have some guest speakers also who will be performing their projects at our club as well as our very own Vice-President of Membership, Zeng Rong, completing his P10 to being crown a Competent Communicator. Excellent Work!

We encourage you to step forward and present your speeches as we renew our Toastmasters Promises to be a better speaker, a better leader. We have some open slots for appointment holders as well. Please feel free to email Darren (peopleschampion18889@hotmail.com) or SMS him at 92781766 to place your bookings now.

Wishing you all my friends a Happy, Prosperous, Healthy and Exciting Lunar New Year!
For our valued guests, we have some red packets up also for grabs this forthcoming meeting too! Hope to see you there Cheers!