24 November 2009

Club meeting on 25-Nov


This forthcoming meeting on 25 November 2009 promises to be one of the best yet. With the line-up of distinguished leaders in the Toastmasters circuit (Division S and Division U Governors, Area S3 and Area S4 Governors etc) and powerful speakers, the outcome of the meeting is surely to be meaningful and electrifying.

On top of our club meeting, we will be having a celebration for the of the first District 80 Champion in Punggol Toastmasters Club which is none other than our club president Darren Tay. The refreshments will be sumptuous with a spread of cakes, pastries, pizzas and drink refreshments alike. To add colour to the programme, Darren will also be sharing with all his journey to the District Championships on 25 Nov 2009.

It will truly be a great learning experience.

Hence if you are available on Wednesday 25th Nov 2009, drop in to Punggol CC (near Hougang MRT) and also invite your friends or members of the public to join us for the club meeting and celebration.


19 November 2009

Congratulations to Darren Tay

Dear All,

Join me in congratulating our club president Darren Tay for winning the district speech evaluation contest at the semi-annual convention at Macau.

Darren, you have made us and the club proud !!! You are setting great standards for all of the club members to learn from and mimic.

16 November 2009

Exciting times ahead

Dear Friends,

This festive season, we have worked with the various stakeholders to bring to you a 2+ month scheduled line-up of external esteemed speakers to conduct Professional Speaking Workshops at our club (on our regular meeting dates). We have District Champions from various Toastmasters Club who have so much to share with our members.

Do join us on the following chapter meetings to listen to the masters of the game


See you at our regular meeting venue


03 September 2009

Evaluation & Humorous Speech contest 09-10 + EXCO Installation Night

Dear All,

Our club will be having our Evaluation and Humorous Speech contest 2009-2010 as well as 2009-10 Executive Committe Installation Nighton
08 Spetember 2009 (Tuesday) at 1930 hrs,
Punggol CC Conference Room, Level 3
3 Hougang Avenue 6
Singapore 538808

All our cordially invited to attend this event.

You can refer to this page for directions. See you there.

Punggol Toastmasters Club

30 June 2009

Punggol Toastmasters Website

Hiya folks,

Its my pleasure to inform you all that we have just soft-launched our club's brand new website. You can visit us here (http://punggol.freetoasthost.cc)

Please feel free to feedback on the new site.

We'll be updating this Blog page also very soon so keep coming back for latest updates and happenings at Punggol Toastmasters Club.