12 August 2007

Hi All,

Apologies for the lack of updates since May 07. You can be sure that we will be updating regularly from now on!

Do give us some time to spruce up and update this website.

For your information, our next meeting is on the 14th of August, Tuesday 2007

Same place, Same time!

07 May 2007

Hey friends!

I'm sorry for the long hiatus!

The programme sheet for 8th May 2007 meeting has been sent to your emailboxes!

See you tomorrow!


09 April 2007

10 April 2007 chapter meeting

Hi friends!

The programme sheet for the 10th April 2007 chapter meeting has been sent to your email boxes!

Tomorrow's chapter meeting will be a joyous one, as we will meet our old friends who, due to work committments, were not able to attend the chapter meetings!

See you tomorrow! =D

04 April 2007

1 more speaking slot available for 10 April meeting

Hi Friends!

Yup as the title implies: 1 more speaking slot left for the next meeting!

But there are still many more slots for appointment holders! =D


25 March 2007

Programme sheet and speaking slots

Hey guys!

The programme sheet for the 28th March chpt mting has been sent to your email boxes! yup!

Oh and yup if you need speaking slots, I can try to arrange for you to speak at other clubs ya? I'll try my best to arrange.

Yup that's it for now and see you on 28 March! =D

18 March 2007

28th March chapter meeting: calling for appt holders

Hey guys!

After a hiatus, I'm back updating you guys about the next chapter meeting on the 28th of March 2007!

Here are the project speech speakers!

1. Cheng Soo Ling, our new member (P1)
2. John Koh (P3)
3. Chermaine Chua (P5)
4. Georgia Tan, our Area S3 table topics 1st runner up (P5)
5. Joanne Lim (P5)

Here's calling for appointment holders! Timer, SAA of the meeting, TME etc... =D

See you guys on the 28th March! =)

03 March 2007

Workshop by Division D

Hi guys,

Please contact me if you're interested in the workshop below. Thanks!

01 March 2007

Available appointments for 13 March 07 chapter meeting

Hey friends!

Thank you so much for making yesterday's meeting a success, and we managed to end earlier! Yay!

Okay for the next meeting on 13th March, here are the available appointments!
1. Sergeant at arms of the meeting
2. Toastmaster of the evening
3. Table topics master
4. Project evaluators

Yup hope to hear from you soon! =D

27 February 2007

Programme sheet, 28 Feb 07 chapter meeting

Dear friends!

Please check your emails! The programme sheet for the 28th February 2007 chapter meeting has been sent to your email boxes!

Let me know if you haven't received it, or anything regarding tomorrow's programme ya.

See ya guys!


22 February 2007

28th chapter meeting: update.

Hey guys!

The project speech speakers for the next chapter meeting on the 28th of February 2007 are as follows.
1. Georgia Tan (P2)
2. Audrey Huang (P3)
3. Geraldine Goh (P6)
4. Jaey Neo (P8)
5. Barry Tan (AP5)

Here's calling for project evaluators, ah counter and table topics master! Anyone would like to take up the challenge and put your skills to test? =)

See ya all!

21 February 2007

Update of appointment holders for 28th February 2007 PTMC chapter meeting

Hey guys!

As at 2.43am, 21st February 2007, here are the appointments left for 28th February 2007 chapter meeting!

1. ONE project speech slot (a total of 5)
2. Project evaluators X5
3. Ah Counter
4. Sergeant-at-arms for the meeting

Hurry hurry! =)

20 February 2007

Next meeting: 28th February 2007

Dear friends!

Gong Hei Fatt Choy!

The 28th February 2007 chapter meeting will be a chapter meeting instead of a contest (unless there are violent objections =X). Here are the available appointments for the meeting!

1. Project speech speakers
2. Project evaluators
3. Timer
4. Ah counter
5. Toastmaster of the evening
6. Sergeant-at-arms of the meeting

Hope to have responses and replies soon! =)


08 February 2007

PTMC 13th February 2007 chapter meeting

Dear friends,

Our chapter meeting on the 13th February 2007 will commence at 7.15pm instead of 7.30pm as we have 11 project speakers!

The project speakers are:
1. Georgia
2. Ivan Tho
3. Joanne
4. Derrick
5. John
6. Freddie
7. Zabiullah
8. Geraldine
9. Ryan (Braddell Heights 1 TMC)
10. Barry
11. Lawrence (competent leader project)

We have vacancies for appointment holders!
1. Sergeant-at-arms of the meeting
2. Toastmaster of the Evening
3. Project evaluators

Hope to see you there! =)

26 January 2007

Speaking slots for 13th February 2007 speech marathon

(Updated 26 January 2007, 6.05pm)

Dear friends,

As there is an overwhelming response of members who would like to do their projects, I have discussed with Jaey, our Vice President Education, and we would like to have a speech marathon on our 13th February 2007 (Tuesday) chapter meeting.

As such, we would be having 11 project speaking slots, of which, 7 slots have been taken up so far.

The speakers are (in no particular order):
1. Derrick Ng
2. Freddie Lee
3. Zabiullah
4. Ryan Lee (Braddell Heights 1 TMC)
5. Show Meng Teck
6. Geraldine Goh
7. Georgia Tan (our newest member!)
8. Lawrence Fong (Competent Leader project)
9. John Koh
10. Joanne Lim
11. Jaey Neo

We may be organising a Chinese New Year cum speech marathon for those of you who would like to get on the bullet train to finish your projects! Stay tuned! =)

23 January 2007

Next chapter meeting, and speaking slots (updated 23 January 2007)

Hi fellow Punggol TMC toastmasters and toastmastettes,

Our next chapter meeting will be on the 24th of January 2007, Wednesday. All speaking slots have been taken up.
The prepared speech speakers are:
1. John Koh
2. Geraldine Goh
3. Chermaine Chua
4. Jerlynn Ang (Buona Vista TMC)
5. M. Chandran, ATM-B / CL (Braddell Heights 1 TMC)

And speaking slots for the next next meeting on the 13th of February, Tuesday have also been taken!
The prepared speech speakers for the next next meeting are:
1. Derrick Ng
2. Freddie Lee
3. Ryan Lee (Braddell Heights 1 TMC)
4. Zabiullah
5. Show Meng Teck, AC-B

Calling for appointment holders for 13th February meeting!
The available appointments are:
1. Sergeant-At-Arms
2. Toastmaster of the evening
3. Table topics master
4. Timer
5. Ah counter
6. Language evaluation
7. General evaluation (I'll try to invite an external TM for this role)

See you all at the next meeting! =)