26 August 2005

Just an update. Area S3 Humorous Speech & Speech Evaluation Contest will be held in Braddell Heights Mini Theatre, Braddell Heights Community Center, level 3. You can get the map from StreetDirectory link here. The building hosts 3 organisation, the CC, Serangoon Neighborhood Police Center, and National Wushu Federation.
Date & Time: Saturday 3 September 2005, 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Ticket price: $5 at counter (for food & drinks)

01 August 2005

Dear Readers,

FYI, Area S3 (division S, district 80) 2005 Humorous Speech Contest and Speech Evaluation Contest will be held on Saturday 3 September 2005. Usually it is in the afternoon, whole afternoon. The venue is yet to be confirmed.

Myself, Chong Teck Siong and Lawrence Fong will represent Punggol Toastmasters Club in this area S3 competition against representatives from Braddell Heights Toastmasters Club, Braddell Heights II Toastmasters Club, and Braddell Heights Advance Toastmasters Club. I believe we can win! Must believe! Must be confident!

If some of us win, the next level will be Division S (district 80) 2005 Humorous Speech Contest and Speech Evaluation Contest. That will be held on Saturday 1 October 2005. Venue is yet to be decided as well.

Visit this website regularly for update!